Day #1559 (Fri., Apr. 11, 2014) – Zombies In The Back
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I took Katie to school this morning. She told me that zombies attacked her and stabbed her in the back. I tried to find out who has been talking to her about zombies. She said “Maybe Patrick”. Not sure if that is a boy in her school?
We need to get supplies for the egg hunt we are having tomorrow so I rushed home after work so my wife could go to Sam’s Club, the Dollar Store, etc. and get supplies. I tended to Katie.
I brought out the Marble Game (see photo to the left) that I picked up at FiveBelow a while back. Katie and I had loads of fun building the structures and letting the marbles go down them. Kind of reminds me of the MouseTrap game I had as a kid. We then progressed to the Sticker Activity Books. I tried to help Katie figure out where certain stickers could go by identifying “unique” characteristics about the sticker. I’m amazed at how good she is.
When my wife got home I took the car and went to Trader Joe’s to get food for tomorrow’s egg hunt. We got mushroom turners as “finger food” and frozen squares and carrots and celery and hummus as well. My wife really wanted tiny chocolate cupcakes so I had to go to Harris-Teeter to pick those up.
1) Katie and I played “The Marble Game” this evening.