Day #1566 (Fri., Apr. 18, 2014) – Katie Gets It

2014-04-19 - Katie Eyes The ShedOur shed is really coming along as you can tell in the photo to the left.

Katie was very fussy when I got home this evening and it progressively got worse. She wanted to go to Michael’s to play with the “imaginary animals” (i.e.: toy animals) as she calls them. It was cold and nasty outside and we’re going to the Circus tomorrow so we thought we would rest tonight.

Eventually both mommy and I had enough of her and she put herself in her bedroom to calm down. After a while she came back and apologized to me and we had a nice chat. I told her that we love her and only want the best for her. When she is nice and polite and does what mommy and daddy want we want to do even nicer things for her…

Katie and I spent the rest of the evening putting stickers in one of her books and then dancing around the room with “Sealy” and “Teddy”. When it was time to go to bed I read her a story about “Casey And Finnegan”…from the Mr. Dressup show that I watched so much when I was her age. Then it was time for bed…

1) Katie is gradually getting the concept of apologizing for bad behavior.