Day #122 (Wed., May 5, 2010) – Onto Her Tummy
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3:33am – Little Katie is up. I just changed her and took her to her mother for a feed. I guess she was up at midnight as well. She goes through these spells where she wants to eat…and this must be one of those spells.

My wife took little Katie to the pediatrician today. Little Katie had a couple of shots…but I guess she didn’t cry as much as we had feared. As the doctor was trying to look in her ear little Katie was fussing around. They turned her so that she could see what was going on and everything was fine. The doctor’s comment was: “ah, you just wanted to see everything” (which is what we find on a daily basis).
When a nurse measures a babies height it is sometimes hard to straighten their legs. The last time little Katie was measured she was in the 50th percentile for her height. This means that 1/2 of the girls her age are shorter than she is. This time she made sure to straighten her legs…and she was in the 90th percentile (90% of girls her age are shorter than her) at 25.5″. Quite the change! The nurse left and came back a while later and said that she wanted to measure little Katie again. She was afraid that the doctor would not believe her… As far as weight goes little Katie was 17lbs 6oz (more than 95th percentile for her age)…normal given her height.
This was little Katie’s first trip to a CVS drugstore. Her reward was 2 larger pacifiers and one teething pacifier (see photo in this post).
It’s afternoon and my wife just emailed me. She said:
Little Katie just rolled from her back onto her tummy! It’s way too early – kids don’t do that until 6 months… They are supposed to roll from the tummy to their back first and they do start doing that at 4 months… I don’t know what to think. 🙂
While I was out to lunch today I picked up some extra straws. I noticed how little Katie enjoyed playing with the covers the other day. She didn’t seem to enjoy them this evening…I guess she is tired.
1) Has little Katie lost her desire for straw covers?