Day #1584 (Tue., May 6, 2014) – Katie’s First Outdoor Pool Swim
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My wife picked up a comfortable kitchen mat from Amazon (see photo to the left). I sent her the link as it was deeply discounted…from about $100 to $30.
Katie was complaining about Nikki coming to take care of her this morning. Not sure what that’s all about. Nikki is good to her and they bake cookies together and of course there is always Miley the dog. Maybe she just wanted to spend the day with mom and dad.
Nikki took Katie to the swimming pool in her apartment complex today. Apparently she was rather scared. She went three steps down and that was it. She told me this evening that she didn’t take any toys into the pool.
This evening Katie assembled all her animals on the various pages of a book that her grandma gave her. Lions go here and zebras go there.
Katie had about 10 mosquito bites on her back this evening courtesy of her outdoor swim today. She was extremely itchy and my wife tired everything to get her to stop scratching them.
1) Katie had her first swim in an outdoor pool today.