Day #1602 (Sat., May 24, 2014) – Out And About

2014-05-24 - Katie's Into ThisThe photo to the left shows some of the things that Katie is into these days.

I’m still not feeling 100% so my wife took Katie out today.

Katie wanted to go to the Anderson park to feed the geese (there is a goose with 4 goslings there), so my wife got some bread and they headed to the park. Once there they met a woman with a dog who told them that the geese are on the other side of the pond, so they took a hike around the pond. Of course, Katie got to pet a few dogs. After feeding the geese Katie played on the playground for a while.

Then they were off to Trader Joes, got some food for lunch…mostly hotdogs for Katie.

After lunch they made a quick trip to the library, returned some old books and checked out 20 new ones.

The next stop was Kidzu for a playdate with Helen. Katie and Helen did crafts, played puppets, read books, etc.

Next on the agenda was Red Hen, children’s consignment store. My wife got a few outfits for Katie, a book and a play-doh set for dressing up Cinderella.

This evening Robin came home without his collar, but my wife could hear the bell ringing outdoors! She went out and saw a deer…maybe he was playing with it? As my wife was putting Katie to bed, she told her about this mystery and suggested that next morning they needed to go and try to find that collar.

1) Katie had a playdate with Helen today.