Day #1603 (Sun., May 25, 2014) – Clifford Is Leaving!!!
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As soon as Katie was up she wanted to go and look for Robin’s collar! They found it in the exact same spot where my wife had seen the deer last night. It was soaking wet, I wonder why???
For breakfast Katie and my wife made pancakes. Katie had a hankering for YoPop so off they went. My wife was hoping to go and grab a sub at Subway but there was no time as Clifford was leaving Kidzu!!!
At 2 pm Clifford’s mascot was greeting the kids at Kidzoo and taking photos with them. As mentioned previously, today was the last day of Clifford’s exhibit…it is heading back to Minnesota. A new exhibit is arriving next week.
The photo to the right shows the beautiful craft that Katie created at Kidzoo.
After Kidzu they stopped off at Red Hen again. My wife picked up two more books and a set of Strawberry Shortcake figurines.
On the way home they stopped at our neighbor Judy’s house for some flower plants. They also took a look at her lovely screened porch. Hopefully we will have a screened porch of our own soon.
1) Katie got to see the Clifford mascot at Kidzoo today.