Day #1613 (Wed., June 4, 2014) – Katie Sees Maleficent
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The photo to the left shows the fairy game that my wife picked up for Katie yesterday at the Red Hen store.
Today Stephanie took Katie to the movie Maleficent. Katie loved the idea of going to the movie, getting popcorn, but didn’t really like the movie.
Katie seems to be in love with the thought of going to the movies more than the actual event. A couple of weeks ago she was almost in tears and said “You Don’t Take Me To Any Movies”… Well, actually I have…on two separate occasions. I remember that the first one was about Alvin and the Chipmunks. We had a blanket near the back of the theater so she could stretch out. After a few minutes she wanted to leave and go to the Rose Garden in Cary…a place we used to frequent back when we lived in Cary.
1) Stephanie took Katie to see the movie “Maleficent” today.