Day #1621 (Thu., June 12, 2014) – Robin Snags A Bird
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As I was getting ready for work this morning my wife let out a loud scream. Apparently Robin had caught a female cardinal and brought her into the house. My wife took the bird out of the house but we’re not sure if she is well enough to fly or not. Katie came running up to me to tell me the news. When she thought about the bird not being their for her babies she started to cry. I told her that the bird might feel better soon and be able to fly back to her babies…
The photo to the left shows Katie’s arm. The lyme disease distinctive marking is going away. The medicine is working…yeah!!!
I stopped off at Fresh Market on the way home from work this evening to pick up a watermelon. I then went to Trader Joe’s to pick up supplies. We needed “Rocket” crackers, gummy bears and juice packs for the kids coming to tomorrow’s party.
Katie was in a joking mood this evening. She rushed up to me and told me a joke… “Why do birds fly south for the winter?” The answer: “It’s too far to walk”. I countered with my own… “Why did the cow cross the road?” Answer: It’s the chicken’s day off.
1) Katie was cracking jokes this evening.