Day #1631 (Sun., June 22, 2014) – Lunches For Katie
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My wife went to Trader Joe’s this morning to pick up supplies for Katie’s lunches. Katie will be going to gymnastics class tomorrow and my wife needs to prepare lunches for her each day next week. You can see one of the snacks in the photo to the right. She really likes the sausages we get from WholeFoods.
My wife was tired this afternoon so she slept while I took care of Katie. We played a new game which I invented. We would throw the potato from her kitchen set to the other end of the living room. We then took the little plastic gems that she got from MacKenzie’s party yesterday and tried to see who could throw one the closest to it. Katie really took to this game for some reason. It’s very similar to the marbles games we used to play as a kid.
This evening Katie had me go through one of her coloring books and rip out the pages. When I didn’t rip one or two cleanly she said “Maybe mommy can help me now”. Daddy didn’t do a good enough job as they weren’t perfect. She is such a daddy’s girl…I understand her perfectly.
1) Katie is a perfectionist…like her daddy.