Day #126 (Sun., May 9, 2010) – Mother’s Day

4:34am – I’m up. Wife and baby are sleeping, but there is a little “chirping” going on in the nursery. Has a hen laid some chicks?

2010-05-09 - Mother's Day
2010-05-09 - Mother's Day

It’s both Mother’s Day and my Wife’s Birthday, so I’ve assembled a dual basket of goodies (see photo to the right).

We called up my mother today and wished her Happy Mother’s Day.

Little Katie is very fussy today. She’s gone into a phase where she only sleeps for one hour at a time. what’s up with that?

To try and calm little Katie down I took her for a stroll around the lake. As we were strolling down the street an ambulance came rushing by with sirens whaling. Not sure how calming that was…little Katie didn’t seem to think so. While we are at the lake we saw a mallard duck with some babies. They sure were tiny and scurried along behind their mother.

Our friends are not coming from Charlotte today. It looks like they might have come down with something and we don’t want little Katie to get sick. No problem. We made plans for next weekend.

My mother-in-law will be flying in just after midnight on June 9th. She will be a great help with little Katie while my wife finishes off her thesis.

Little Katie was still fussy this evening so we took her for a drive. She fell asleep almost immediately. My wife had to pick up some sheet savers for the baby’s crib.


1) Little Katie is real fussy today. Perhaps it is due to the shots she had at the pediatrician last week?