Day #1646 (Mon., July 7, 2014) – Spencer’s Farm Day Camp
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Today was Katie’s first day at Spencer’s Farm Day Camp. You can see one of the lunches that my wife packed for her in the photo to the left.
My wife told me that she was as happy as a clam. We thought she would love this day camp the best due to all the animals. Her teacher is a young guy who teaches history at high school during the school year. Katie took a liking to him and ran off to play. She didn’t even look back at my wife…which is a good sign when we leave her somewhere.
My wife took Batman to the veterinarian at 5:30pm today. He has been limping around the house as of late. The veterinarian said that his hip is out of joint…apparently hereditary and might correct itself. If not, there is always surgery. Not looking forward to getting that bill.
I stopped off at Moe’s on the way home from work this evening, then to Trader Joe’s. Katie has taken a real liking to the drinkable yogurt you can buy at Trader Joe’s. I picked up 3 packages.
My wife told me that Katie wouldn’t stop talking about Spence’s Farm on the way home today…but she wouldn’t tell me anything about it. Apparently she saw a snake? And made friends with a black haired girl?
1) Today was Katie’s first day at Spence’s Farm Camp.