Day #1649 (Thu., July 10, 2014) – Making Mummies
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Another day at Spence’s farm for Katie. Today they took the horses out on the trail. My wife asked Katie if she wanted to go to Spence’s farm next week and she said no. She’s so much like daddy. She enjoys her time away but likes to be home as well.
My wife was real tired this evening so I tended to Katie so she could take a nap. We ended up making paper doll mummies…in fact a family of them (see photo to the right). I’m not sure where Katie’s fascination with mummies comes from. She even mentioned something about their houses being in pyramids this evening.
I notice that Katie is becoming more and more fascinated with the words as we read stories together. It used to be that she would ask me to “make up words” for the story…I think because the actual story was too long for her limited attention span. This evening I read the actual words and followed along with the word I was saying with my finger. Katie just sat there and watched my finger moving.
1) Katie and I make a mummy family.