Day #1651 (Sat., July 12, 2014) – Make A Face Books

2014-07-12 - Princess FaceKatie left her swimsuit and “Frozen” towel at Spence’s Farm yesterday so we went to pick it up this morning. We then went to Sam’s Club where my wife got her glasses and we managed to pick up a couple of “Make A Face” books for Katie. One was princesses and the other was animals. You can see Katie’s creation with a princess face in the photo to the right.

While at Sam’s Club we also picked up some sausages and various greens to grill for lunch. We put some olive oil on some fresh asparagus and grilled it up…delish. Best my wife and I ever had.

Katie can be a very physical girl and we’re gradually trying to impress upon her that she can never kick mommy. Sometimes she can get this way, especially when you are trying to put her to bed. I think I drove my point home this evening but I’m sure that it is something that we will need to reinforce.

1) We are gradually teaching Katie the importance of not kicking mommy.