Day #1663 (Thu., July 24, 2014) – Another Craft Cabinet
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At noon today I stopped by A.C. Moore to pick up yet another craft cabinet (see photo to the left). Katie has so many crafts that even two might not be enough…but we don’t want to fill the house up with craft cabinets.
Katie had two disappointments today. She was wanting to go swimming but a kid “peed or pooped” in the pool at Nikki’s apartment complex so they had to drain it. When they went to the park they saw a wasp’s nest and couldn’t play their either. Two disappointments in one day, but according to Nikki Katie took it well.
I was beat when I got home from work so I went to bed til my wife got tired around 8pm. I then got up and got Katie ready for bed. We played a few crafts and Katie had a tiny snack of cheddar cheese but she was out rather quickly this evening, just after 9pm. She must have had quite the exhausting day as well.
1) Katie had two specific disappointments that she took well today.