Day #1665 (Sat., July 26, 2014) – New Soccer Ball

For breakfast this morning my wife wanted scrambled eggs and cucumber while Katie wanted bacon with baked beans. Sometimes I feel like a short order cook.

2014-07-26 - Soccer BallWith breakfast out of the way we headed to Wal-Mart past southern village to pick up a “size 3″ soccer ball for Katie (see photo to the right). She starts soccer camp next week. We also picked up some shin guards and my wife wanted fixings for some special Lithuanian soup. As we were leaving the Wal-Mart we picked up a 12″ turkey sub for lunch. There was a special on a 12” BBQ chicken sub but my wife was not interested in the least.

This afternoon I took a nap while my wife tended to Katie. When she got tired I took over. As it turns out the shin guards we picked up this morning were too large so Katie and I drove back to Wal-Mart to pick up a size that would fit. Katie kept mentioning how she wanted to have some “yellow chips” when we got home so I picked up another bag of the $2 regular potato chips in the yellow bag…the ones she was referring to. We then went to YoPop where she could get her sugar fix for the day.

1) Katie got a new soccer ball and shin guards today.