Day #1675 (Tue., Aug. 5, 2014) – Meeting Krista
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My wife drove Katie to her dance class this morning. Katie told her that she had five problems. They were:
one problem: I miss Daddy
two problem: I want to feed the cats
three problem: I don’t want to go to the camp
five problem: I want to stay at home
My wife didn’t manage to figure out the fourth problem. When she asked Katie about it, she repeated the cat feeding business and wanting to stay at home.
My wife and I had another doctor’s appointment this afternoon. Everything is fine.
This evening Krista, Nikki’s friend, came over for a visit. She is a potential babysitter when Nikki can’t make it.
This evening Katie had hiccups. I told her to hold her breath and relax and they would go away. They did. She said I have some advice for you as well “Don’t eat food off the floor”. From the mouth of babes…
Katie was sitting in the LazyBoy this evening with some scissors in her hand and a rather guilty look on her face. When I asked her to show me her hand she put up a bit of a struggle. She had some of her hair in it (see photo to the left). When I asked her why she cut her hair she said she wanted it to be shorter.
1) Katie cut her hair with scissors this evening.