Day #1682 (Tue., Aug. 12, 2014) – Miley Pays A Visit
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Look at the beautiful butterfly picture (to the left) that Katie drew for daddy today.
Miley, Nikki’s dog, came over to our house for a visit today. She wanted to play with the cats but the cats were not too accommodating. Batman just looked at Miley from the cat tree and hissed.
It’s a real challenge to keep the house clean with Katie around. As soon as you clean up one section of the floor she seems to say “well there’s a section that is not being used”, and along comes another mess. Today Nikki sent Katie to her room because she would not clean up after herself. When Nikki asked her to she replied “That’s not my job”.
Tonight we had Trader Joe’s fish sticks and sweet potato fries. I don’t really care for the sweet potato fries that much…but they were not bad this evening because they were baked “well done”.
As I was going to bed this evening Katie was back into her cat playing mode. It’s been a long while since she got down on the floor and meowed and pretended she was a cat. At least today the meowing seems to be a thing of the past. This evening she was on the floor with a necklace and asking my wife to pretend it was a leash so they could go for a walk.
1) Katie told Nikki that cleaning is “Not her job”.