Day #1686 (Sat., Aug. 16, 2014) – Daddy/Daughter Day #18
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My wife is back to not feeling well. I made her some scrambled eggs and sausage this morning, which helped out a bit. She ate it but Katie did not.
We just lounged around the house for most of the morning. Katie was her usual active self. I gave her one of the $1 sticker books that I got at A.C. Moore last week (i.e.: Ocean Stickers) and that seemed to occupy her quite a bit.
At 3pm they had a park play date for Katie’s preschool class. She will be a “Frog” this year. Katie played quite a bit with Duncan for the first hour but lost interest in playing with the other kids by the time she second hour rolled around. Elery and her family didn’t make it. Miss April and her family didn’t make it either. We did take a hike along a trail with Duncan and Terri (Duncan’s parent) where we saw the sign for the Johnson Family Homesite (see photo to the right).
We ended up leaving a bit early and going to Moe’s for dinner. We stopped off at YoPop on the way home. This was effectively Daddy/Daughter Day #18.
This evening Katie wanted to play “Princess Of The Guard”. Not exactly sure where this name came from. Perhaps a movie? At any rate it involved having two chairs in the kitchen. A throne for the king (me) and a throne for the queen (her). We ended up ordering our servants to bring us food.
1) Katie and I met some of her “Frog” classmates today.