Day #1693 (Sat., Aug. 23, 2014) – Tatum’s Birthday Party
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There was a lot of excitement this morning when I woke up. Robin had just brought a mouse into the house. I took a couple of pieces of paper and put it out on the patio. Of course Katie wanted to go outside and see Robin eat it (of course he didn’t).
This morning Katie asked me for a present. I showed her the elastic I got yesterday and said this was her present and we would be securing the princess hat I made to her head with it. She said it was not a very exciting present and wanted another so I ended up giving her a dog sticker book.
I drove Katie to Tatem’s birthday party near the Maple View Farms Dairy today. Both of her parents are doctors…what a fancy house. They had a bouncy house for the kids to play in and a craft table area and a karaoke machine. Katie stuck with me for most of the day but was fascinated by their goldfish and crayfish. They gave all the kids a cupcake and after breaking a Hello Kitty Pinata (see photo to the right) and getting our gift bag we were off for home.
I made sausages on the grill and along with microwaved potatoes and peas from Trader Joe’s we had quite the dinner.
1) I took Katie to Tatum’s birthday party this afternoon.