Day #1703 (Tue., Sep. 2, 2014) – Preschool Parent’s Night
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My wife and I had a doctor’s appointment this morning. Afterwards we went to Guglhupf Bakery for lunch. I had the Americana coffee and we shared a Roast Beef Dip and Reuben Sandwich with Strawberry Tart for dessert.
Katie was a real pain when I got home from work. She wanted some chocolate covered blueberries but my wife was concerned about giving her chocolate so late in the evening. I made her go to her room and then went and got her. After a quesadilla and some “My Little Pony” videos I gave her a lollipop I got from work. That seemed to do the trick and she was back to her delightful self again.
My wife and I went to Katie’s preschool tonight to get instructions on the upcoming “Frog” year for Katie. We dropped off the play doh that my wife made as well as the napkins I picked up at WalGreens on the way home from work. We got to see Katie’s new classroom and the bookshelf we are sure she will be spending a lot of time at (see photo to the right). While we were listening to Mary give us instructions on do’s & don’ts a mother was tending to a happy little boy directly in front of us. He was such a happy child.
Izzy took care of Katie while we were out this evening. Izzy tried to get her to do arts & crafts but she was content to just sit and watch “My Little Pony” on Netflix.
1) We got to see Katie’s new classroom this evening.