Day #1713 (Fri., Sep. 12, 2014) – Reading The Dictionary
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The photo to the left shows the special candies we get at Trader Joe’s. They work wonders at getting Katie out of bed in the morning when she doesn’t want to go to school.
Laura, Katie’s teacher, provided some insight today on why Katie was so fussy yesterday at school. Apparently on Wednesday Eleri started to play with Elise and Katie was offended. My wife attributes this fussiness to just not having enough sleep the night before. Today was a brand new day. Katie was as happy as a clam. Go figure…
My wife took this afternoon off from work to take care of Katie. Katie was so excited about the prospect of my wife picking her up at school that she even told the teacher. When they got home they took a walk over to Julan’s place to check on it. There were some plant pots down…maybe due to the wind or a deer. They picked up some tomatoes to take home.
By the time I got home from work Katie was bouncing around in the swimming pool in the front yard. My “morning sick” wife was lying down on the bench.
I tended to Katie while my wife took a nap. For starters Katie had a bowl of berries while she watched “My Little Pony” on television. Then she had a grilled cheese sandwich and that was followed up by another bowl of berries.
I promised Katie that if she would eat a good dinner I would read to her from the Children’s Dictionary. We started reading in the master bedroom and that was followed by a game of hiding under the covers so that the ghosts (i.e.: ghostes) could not get us.
1) Katie gets upset when Eleri plays with Elise and not her.