Day #1716 (Mon., Sep. 15, 2014) – Morrisville Consignment Sale
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I took the afternoon off from work so that I could drive my wife to the consignment sale in Morrisville. We ended up getting over $200 worth of merchandise. Items such as:
1) Baby clothes
2) Baby shoes
3) Baby monitor
4) Books for Katie
5) Games for Katie
While we were driving out to the sale we made out plan of attack. The most important thing was shoes for Katie so my wife would go look for those. The second most important item was a baby monitor (our charging unit has almost had it) so I would go and find one of those.
I found a baby monitor unit with two chargers for $10 (see photo to the left). I also picked up some sticker books for Katie. By the time I wandered back to the clothes area my wife was checking out and needed to rest on the bench so I took over.
Was it ever hot! Not outside, but inside the factory outlet shops. Good thing nobody there was pregnant…really….
1) My wife and I went to the Morrisville Consignment Sale to put up stuff for Katie this afternoon.