Day #1748 (Fri., Oct. 17, 2014) – Palmetto Bug Joy

2014-10-17 - Robin Sees A DogThe photo to the right shows Robin’s eyes when a dog comes over to visit. As you can tell he doesn’t care for dogs much…

They are having a teacher meeting at school today so Katie is off. Nicky is up and running again after being sick so she came and tended to Katie at 10:30am. Fridays are usually a busy day for her but she has been great at helping out when she can.

My wife emailed me this morning:

We just had some drama. Katie came to me crying: “Mommy, I was looking at the cockroach Robin brought home and he snatched it out from me. You know I am always interested in what the cats bring home”. I let the cats out and now Katie is crawling in circles around the Palmetto bug, singing “I’ve got a bug”… It’s never boring here…

Soccer for Katie this evening. As usual, water and snacks are her highlights.

We went to Baba Ghanouj for dinner tonight. Katie liked the fries but when we were all done she asked for more meat so I got a side order. TCBY was next door so we stopped off for a treat then home.

1) Katie’s preschool had a teacher’s meeting today.