Day #1749 (Sat., Oct. 18, 2014) – Neighbor’s Yard Sale
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Our neighbors down the street were having a yard sale today. We were up early so we bundled up Katie and took a drive and were there shortly after 9am. Their son is in college now so they were selling some of his toys. We picked up a number of books that were not even read. We also got a cool little “dulcimer” type musical toy (see photo to the left) with underlying musical charts (surely the easiest instrument for a child to learn) and other assorted toys. What did Katie want? Some snakes of course. She also picked up a plush doggie though.
This afternoon Zoe the black lab came to see us twice. She gets out of her neighbor’s yard and comes straight to us to play ball. The second time the neighbor came to pick her up Katie cried and cried. Not even a visit from Genevieve and Gunther and a visit to see Ginger (their dog) could calm her down. We were planning on going to see Halloween decorations but in the end we just went back into the house so Katie could watch some “Color Crew” television (a show that Nicky introduced her to).
For some reason Katie has been really loud and rather wild last night and today. Not sure if it is a growth spurt or what. She was a real nightmare to try to put her to bed this evening. She was yelling loudly and refusing to listen to mommy.
1) Katie got some more snakes at a yard sale today.