Day #1750 (Sun., Oct. 19, 2014) – A Visit To The Fair
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My wife and I took Katie to the NC State Fair this morning. As my wife is pregnant she needed to rest more and I had to do a lot more with Katie so it was rather exhausting. Having said that we all had a lot of fun. When my wife first got pregnant we talked about today and how I might have to take Katie to the fair by myself this year.
In terms of food my wife had a lamb kebab with fries and I had a beef kebab with fries. Katie enjoyed drinking a fresh large lemonade.
Katie got a chance to ride on one of the ponies ($5 per ride) and on a carousel as well. We also got to see the pigs and ducks races. There was also a show featuring shelter dogs and the various stunts that they could perform.
On the way home we stopped off to get some kettle corn, a large “Monster” bag of cotton candy (see photo to the right), and a Tarheels candy apple.
1) We took Katie to the State Fair today.