Day #1758 (Mon., Oct. 27, 2014) – Bandaged Foot
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The photo to the left shows the night diapers that I ran to Wal-Greens for last night. Our little daughter is growing up…
Nicky is back from attending a girlfriend’s wedding in Oklahoma.
Katie is getting more and more interested in the reading process. The other day she asked to watch a cartoon on Netflix that teaches you the various letters. She will be reading “real stories” not “made up ones” before you know it.
I asked Katie if she played with Elery at school today. She replied “Daddy, you know that Elery doesn’t play with me anymore”. I repied “If that is the case then you are better off without her”. I think she is gradually moving on from Elery.
I have been looking for the elastic wrap that the chiropractor gave me a few months ago. Low and behold who should come out of her bedroom wearing it on her foot? Katie! I’m not sure where she got it but at least it means I don’t have to go looking for it.
I have this game I play with Katie. I will pretend to not notice her sitting in the LazyBoy watching television and sit on top of her. She will howl with delight and start to hit me. She loves these sorts of shinanagins. I wonder if she will get into this sort of activity with her new younger brother or if the age difference will be too much.
1) Katie loves it when I pretend to sit on her.