Day #1763 (Sat., Nov. 1, 2014) – Helen Comes To Play
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Helen came over to play with Katie at 10am this morning. I put on my Halloween hat and became “Lobster Man”. They loved it when I chased them around the house and pretended to catch them in my hat claws.
After the good rain last night I put the remainder of the gravel into the potholes in the driveway. I also took down the wooden stakes that I was using to keep Katie’s soccer ball from rolling down the hill. As Katie doesn’t seem to be as interested in soccer as I thought she might there is no use for them anymore.
We ordered an extra large pizza for lunch. I found a full length movie of “Ariel The Mermaid” on YouTube this afternoon. While my wife had a nap Katie enjoyed watching it.
This evening we drove to Southern Village to see the various Halloween decorations. Katie was really into it and wanted to get out of the car at various points to see the decorations up close. The photo to the right shows one pumpkin eating another. We ended up at Subway where we shared a 12″ oven-roasted chicken sub.
1) We took Katie to Southern Village to see the Halloween decorations this evening.