Day #1772 (Mon., Nov. 10, 2014) – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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The photo to the left shows one of Katie’s latest creations. She seems to have an eye for choosing colors that are very pleasing to the eye.
Teagan was very excited to see Katie this morning. They ran off to play when my wife dropped her off.
I had to go get supplies today…my trip to Orlando is tomorrow. We needed goat’s milk and I had to pick up the pants I was having hemmed.
This evening I decided that I would drain out all the water from the sink in the 2nd bathroom. I would then pour a whole gallon of draino down it and chase it with hot water til it was full. It wasn’t draining by the end of the day (UPDATE: It worked by Thursday!)
One thing I need to take care of before I leave for Orlando…lots of wrestling with Katie. She loves to wrestle with her daddy. We needed a rest afterwards so we ended up watching “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”. I got her a dish of all sorts of things: “Lizard Guts”, “Wildebeast Innerds” to munch on.
During bedtime I read her three “5 minute” horror stories before bed as I will be gone for a few days (and evenings).
1) Katie.