Day #1779 (Mon., Nov. 17, 2014) – Heart Ultrasound

I took the day off work today and my wife and I drove out to Duke to get a heart ultrasound for little Bobby. First things first, we had to drop Katie off at preschool. It was raining cats and dogs all day. On the way to preschool Katie asked us what makes fog.

2014-11-17 - Waiting RoomThe photo to the left shows the waiting room at the Duke Hospital. We usually sit in the area the kids sit in. They always seem to have “Doc McStuffin” on the television.

The ultrasound was quite involved from a picture taking standpoint. Lots of pictures taken of all the various valves and workings. The technician did give us some 3D images of little Bobby. The placentia kept getting in the way but she did manage to secure a few good shots.

With the ultrasound done my wife and I went downstairs to have lunch at the Mediterranean Grill restaurant. We were waiting for her appointment to see her doctor when he happened to come in for lunch as well. My wife recognized him from his photo online.

Up in the reception lobby we called Everett who promised to have some preliminary designs for our new screened in patio by Thursday.

The doctor was very excited about the progress little Bobby is making. Heart is fine…everything is fine.

When my wife and I got home we were exhausted. We both went to bed for a nap. When I got up I went to Trader Joe’s for some supplies. We were running low on almost everything as I was gone for most of last week.

1) Everything is great with Katie’s soon to be younger brother.