Day #1796 (Thu., Dec. 4, 2014) – Fighting Over The LazyBoy
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Katie is gradually honing her memory. She really enjoys playing the “I Never Forget A Face Matching Game” that you see in the photo to the right. My wife tells me that Katie beats her all the time. Having said that my wife’s memory is not the best now that she is pregnant.
We still haven’t decided what to do for Katie’s birthday and it will soon be here (one month from today). We would normally have it at our house but we are too tired to do the organizing and cleaning up. Spence’s Farm? Maple View Farms? Chuckie Cheese’s? We’ll have to make a decision soon.
This evening Katie was very upset that I “took the LazyBoy on her”. In actuality she was sitting in the chair when I arrive home from work but soon left it to play. When I was done making dinner I sat down in it and this was when she got upset. I didn’t relinquish it even though she went to her bedroom crying. She has to learn to share. The more she thinks this world revolved around her the more difficult it will be for her to get along with people in the future. There is no time like the present to learn these lessons.
1) Katie beats my wife regularly in the “I Never Forget A Face Matching Game”.