Day #1798 (Sat., Dec. 6, 2014) – Paint Samples
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The photo to the left shows the toy trike that Katie dragged up from the basement yesterday.
Katie and I had a long talk this morning about “Fair Weather Friends”. These are those friends who you can enjoy activities with but not depend upon to be there when you need them the most. “True Friends” on the other hand are those that you should be striving for all your life.
As we were surveying Katie’s new room I mentioned to her that she should not color on the walls once they are newly painted. She replied back that she realizes she colored on walls when she was too young to understand what she was doing.
This afternoon I went to Lowe’s for paint samples. I got a new roller/paint tray kit and two paint samples. One for the walls and one for the dresser drawers. I will be adding some white to the dresser drawer sampler so that we will have a gradually lightening of the dresser drawers.
This evening my wife’s boss had a Christmas party at her place in Raleigh. Krista babysat Katie for us. I was quite the drive but we had fun talking and eating various treats. The woman who my wife supervises is from Canada and brought some nanaimo bars for us to sample. While chatting I realized what I will get my wife for Christmas…an electronic piano. Both Katie and her will have fun with that.
1) Katie realizes that she shouldn’t color on the walls in her new room.