Day #1806 (Sun., Dec. 14, 2014) – Christmas Sleigh Ride
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Genevieve and Stephen brought back the crib that we lent them a while back. We will need it for little Bobby.
I put the curtain rods up in Katie’s new room this afternoon. With these up the only real thing that needs to be done before Katie can sleep in her new room is to move in her new bed.
Daddy/Daughter Day #24 was a rather special day. It usually involves some sort of activity that Katie likes. Today I thought we would perform some work together. She was very helpful in helping daddy take the masking tape off the walls in her new room (see photo to the left). She even helped me put the plastic on the floor into the garbage. The room was really pretty when my wife got up from her nap.
While we were taking the tape off the walls I told Katie that her new brother would be called Bobby (i.e.: Robert). She told me that she wanted to name him “St. Patrick”.
This evening we went to the center near Maple Dairy Farms for a sleigh ride and to see Santa. Katie was a perfect little princess sitting at the table eating her cookies and milk. She sat on Santa’s knee and told her that she wanted a dress for her pony.
1) Katie helped me take the masking tape off the walls in her new bedroom today.