Day #1809 (Wed., Dec. 17, 2014) – Playing With Duncan
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Katie told me that she played with Duncan a lot at school today.
Nicky gave Katie some DVD’s of old Christmas shows…”Frosty The Snowman” and “Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer” and such (see photo to the right). Shows from the 60’s that I used to watch.
Katie didn’t relinquish the LazyBoy this evening…at first. Eventually she got down and started to color and let me use it and watch the news. She’s gradually learning the concept of sharing…something that she will need to really be on top of once her baby brother comes.
I was too tired to do any work around the house this evening. Teagan’s mom postponed our dinner on Saturday night so that frees up some more time for me to do work around the house.
1) Katie is still having problems sharing the Lazy Boy.