Day #1810 (Thu., Dec. 18, 2014) – Helen Visits … Katie Naps
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Helen came over to our house this morning. My wife dropped her off at her preschool while she took Katie to preschool. As they were playing this morning Katie told Helen: “Helen, if we don’t play together, we will be wasting our time”.
Helen also came over to our place to play later today. Katie was in a rather fussy, non-sharing mood and would not share her pencils with Helen. Soon after Katie went to bed for a nap (she normally never naps during the day). When Katie got up my wife asked Helen if she wanted to go and give Katie a hug…she replied no.
This afternoon Katie went to dance class. During the class they have circle time. My wife heard one girl saying: “My mom was all alone with her boyfriends”. I guess that the poor teacher couldn’t hold her laughter.
We are running low on supplies so I went to both TJ’s and WholeFoods tonight. My wife wanted some Hilda’s Potato Salad to settle her upset stomach. Katie wanted me to get some fruit popsicles. I made a blueberry smoothie when I got back (see photo to the left).
1) Katie napped rather than play with Helen today.