Day #1818 (Fri., Dec. 26, 2014) – Pirate Sticker Book

2014-12-26 - Pirate Sticker BookAs I was sitting on the Lazy Boy this afternoon Katie came over and sat on my lap. She said that since she was good to mommy and let her make her a grilled cheese sandwich she figured that she deserved something special. She said that perhaps we could go out and buy some arts & crafts. I told her that I didn’t want to leave my wife alone as she is sleeping so she settled on me giving her a present that I had stashed. It was a “Pirate Sticker Book”. I ended up making a picture of a pirate ship and island and we both took turn in putting the stickers in place (see photo to the left).

My wife and I were talking this afternoon how Katie enjoys being alone. Rather than play with her friends she enjoys spending time home reading and watching television, doing arts & crafts, and playing with Legos and “My Little Ponies”. She told me that she enjoyed reading when she was young. I was just like Katie.

We are finding that Katie’s explanations and excuses (like why she doesn’t need to go to bed) are getting more and more elaborate.

1) Katie decided that she earned the right to go out and get crafts today as she let her mommy make her a grilled cheese sandwich.