Day #1823 (Wed., Dec. 31, 2014) – Off To Chuck E. Cheese’s
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I had some phone meetings this morning but when I was done I took Katie to Chuck E. Cheese’s for Daddy/Daughter Day #24. She expressed an interest in going last week, and I told her that I would take her, so I wanted to live up to that promise.
She wanted to see the automated animal band perform so we spent a lot of time doing that. She munched on a pizza and sipped her lemonade as we watched. We also played some games. I ended up getting three photos of her in the car with Chuck E. Cheese. We gathered up a lot of tickets and took them to the counter for our prize. Katie wanted a little paper wand device that came out as you flicked it and a package of Smarties.

On the way home we stopped off at Party City to see about getting cake plates for her birthday on Sunday. A lot of people were there looking for New Year’s Party decorations. I took a number of photos and we went home to consult my wife before making any purchases. My wife told me that she preferred the pink plates (see photo to the left) with pink forks so I’ll go back and get them at some point.
Katie is still pressing mommy and daddy about getting an iPad. We had to send her to her room at one point and she screamed and yelled, a real temper tantrum. I haven’t seen her have a tantrum like that since the days in Cary when she wanted to go see the “Dracken” Halloween display down the street.
1) Katie had a temper tantrum over an iPad this evening.