Day #1826 (Sat., Jan. 3, 2015) – Playing CandyLand
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My wife took a nap this afternoon so I tended to Katie. She wanted to wrestle so we went to her room and jostled about a bit. We dressed up her little white seal in baby clothes and she gave him some plastic pieces to help him get over a cough. We took turns making up a story (about going to the grocery store for chocolate and ending up on an island where we had to walk back?).
Next up on the list of activities was CandyLand (see photo to the left). Long gone are the days when she used to just throw the pieces about…she really is interested in playing the game now. We started off playing in a normal fashion but Katie wanted to speed the games up at one point and took a handful of cards and moved her piece up the track without even giving me a turn.
I managed to get a couple of things done around the house today. I put a couple of door stops behind the doors in the hallway and Katie’s room. I also put some nails in the white bookcase that we will be moving to Katie’s room for her books and painted the back of it the same color as the walls in Katie’s room.
1) I put some doorstops behind the doors today so when Katie slams doors they will stop making dents in the walls.