Day #1831 (Thu., Jan. 8, 2015) – John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
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When I got home from work this evening Katie was sitting in the Lazy Boy watched the Octonauts. She told me that she didn’t get a chance to watch television all day and that I should let her stay in the chair. My wife confirmed this fact, so Katie got the chair.
My wife was beat this evening so I tended to Katie while she went to bed early. Katie and I started off by doing a duet on the electric piano. Nothing too fancy…I would play 12-bar blues in the key of C and Katie would pound away on the keys in the upper octaves.
Soon we were watching “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt” on YouTube. I happened to mention this song to Katie when I was driving her to preschool on Tuesday.
When time came to go to bed I read Katie “Peter Pan” (see photo to the left). This was the first time I ever actually read the whole story. I also read her “Winnie The Pooh”.
1) Katie and I played a duet on the electric piano this evening.