Day #1836 (Tue., Jan. 13, 2015) – Clothes On Floor
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As you can see in the photo to the right I need to hurry up and put the sealant on Katie’s dresser drawers. They are on her floor now as there is no other place to put them.
I dropped Katie off at school today. Sometimes she is whiny and clingy but that was not the case today. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her to have a good day. She wished me a good day today as well and I left. No drama. I asked her this evening if she had fun playing with anyone today and she said yes, Nikki. Not quite the response of playing with a school friend that I was looking for but it will do.
My wife showed me one of the presents that came for her baby shower. Apparently the current method is to pick a gift off of the expecting mother’s registry and then mail it directly to them. In this way they don’t have to cart all the gifts back home after the baby shower. I don’t know…I think that there is something nice about opening all the gifts in front of your friends to see what you got. Having said that, perhaps it is considered impolite these days. After all, kids don’t usually open their birthday gifts til after the party is over and people have gone home.
I crashed early this evening and I heard my wife struggling to put Katie to bed. She sometimes gets more energetic as the evening rolls on. When that happens she gets laughing and wrestling and it can be hard to get her into her sleep clothes or even to get her to brush her teeth. In the end she went to bed around 1am…can you believe it?
1) Katie was up til 1am today.