Day #1837 (Wed., Jan. 14, 2015) – Pulling The Chair Up
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It’s a glare of ice outside our driveway so no preschool for Katie and working from home for mommy and daddy. Even though Katie didn’t go to bed til after 1am she was up early this morning. My wife was very happy when I said that she could go take a nap.
Katie has learned a new trick. She put the chair up to the kitchen table and reached into the cupboard and got some chocolate candies (see photo to the left). Looks like we are going to have to find a new hiding place.
Katie expressed a desire for pancakes this morning so I made her some.
This evening Katie showed me that she could play a full chord with her left hand. It is the same chord (i.e.: C major) that I have been using for my 12-bar blues song so I think she has been watching me. Soon she was up dancing and showing my wife and I her dance moves.
1) Katie has learned a new trick…to pull a chair up and get into the cupboards so she can have some chocolates.