Day #1839 (Fri., Jan. 16, 2015) – Hibernation Day

Today was “Hibernation Day” at Katie’s preschool. The kids come to school in their pj’s and Mary will make them pancakes. I guess there are sleeping bags and tents on the floor so it’s kind of like a “sleep over”. I guess the kids love it.

2015-01-16 - First LegoMy wife called up a babysitter at the last moment to come over and take care of Katie this afternoon. The main reason is to find another backup babysitter for times when Nikki is unavailable. I got to meet her as she was at our house when I arrived home. Her name is Casey and she recently moved to the area from Vermont.

Today is a bit of a milestone as Katie assembled a Lego Kit all by herself via the instructions (see photo to the left). She didn’t ask me or my wife to help…she did it all by herself.

Later this evening I went to WholeFoods to get some goat’s milk. I much prefer going to WholeFoods in the evening as opposed to early Saturday or Sunday mornings. The crowds are much more manageable. While at WholeFoods I got to meet Hilda, the lady who makes the potato salad that my wife likes so much. I told her that it was one of the few things that settled her stomach when she was going through morning sickness.

1) Katie built a Lego kit via the instructions all by herself today.