Day #1845 (Thu., Jan. 22, 2015) – Lego Creation
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The photo to the right shows one of the latest Lego creations that Katie built with Nikki. It’s nice to see her take to Legos more and more as she gets older. When we gave them to her a year ago she barely showed interest.
When I came home from work this evening Nikki’s car was still in the driveway. She was talking to my wife and the electric piano was blaring…Katie was having her “music time”.
I have this game I play with Katie that I think she likes almost as much as wrestling. I will take my shirt off and complain how yucky & smelly it is. I will then ask where my coat hanger is and look around the room. By this point Katie knows what is coming and she is up and running and in wrestling mode on the bed. I then thrown the shirt over her and she knows that it is time to wrestle. When I did this tonight Katie actually spit at me. I asked her where she learned this from? I told her that it was not nice to spit at people. Having said that, it’s probably not nice to throw your sweaty shirt on them as well.
1) Katie spits on daddy.