Day #1847 (Sat., Jan. 24, 2015) – Anna’s Birthday
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Katie was invited to Anna’s Birthday Party today. Anna is a girl from her preschool and her mother is a psychologist. My wife took her while I ran errands. You can see the various presents we bought her in the photo to the left.
I went to Home Depot to get some hooks so that we can secure the regular bookcase and the angular bookcase to the wall in little Bobby’s room. I then went to Trader Joe’s for supplies as we are running low. By the time I got home they had returned from Anna’s Birthday Party.
My wife was exhausted so she went to bed while I tended to Katie. She munched on the pizza I picked up at Trader Joe’s and watched superhero cartoons while I made fixings for the slow cooker and fixed the hanger we use to store apples and bananas. At 2:45pm Susan dropped Helen off to play.
Helen was hungry so I fed her a slice of pizza and Katie took her to her room so they could “Jump on Isabelle” (her stuffed giraffe). I sat down in the LazyBoy to watch some television. Soon Katie was bouncing up and down in front of me naked. I guess Helen and her were going to try on princess outfits and Katie got “half way there”. Helen just kind of stared at her with that “what’s going on” look. Soon my wife was up from her nap and it was my turn to get “40 winks”.
1) Katie went to Anna’s birthday party today.