Day #1849 (Mon., Jan. 26, 2015) – Pink Eye
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My wife woke me up this morning and said there was an emergency. Katie needed to be taken to see the doctor as it looks like she has developed “Pink Eye” and my wife has to go to see her doctor at Duke. In the end my wife dropped Katie off at the doctor and Nikki picked her up.
Yes, Katie has “Pink Eye” and she will not be able to go to school for a couple of days. The doctor was not sure if the infection is viral or bacterial as she has mixed symptoms.
My wife’s appointment went really good. She liked the doctor very much…it looks like we have found a winner. The doctor told my wife that if she gets pink eye or Katie gets the flu she can just call the nurse and get the prescription for Tamiflu sent to the pharmacy.
After the doctor’s appointment my wife got a haircut and went to Kid-To-Kid and got a few things for Katie, including adorable sandals for $4.
Getting Katie to take her eye drops was quite the drama this evening. My wife called me as I was leaving work to try to talk to Katie but it was a tough job to get her to open her eyes and let mommy put the drops in. By the time I got home Katie had submitted and as a reward she got a bowl of ice cream and a “Special Present”…a farm sticker book (see photo to the right).
1) Katie has Pink Eye.