Day #1850 (Tue., Jan. 27, 2015) – Eye Drops Drama
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Today was quite the learning experience for my wife and I. Both my wife and I had to leave for work and Katie was not cooperating with putting in eye drops for her pink eye. Neither of us had time for a time sucking drama on this so I told Katie either she let us put them in or I would hold her down and we would put them in…and that’s what we did. Afterwards I told her that mommy and daddy loved her and would do nothing to hurt her and gave her a hug. She was whimpering and upset when Nikki came to take care of her today. Time for Katie to think…
Well when I got home from work it was a different Katie. The girl who won’t whines and complains and won’t tell daddy how her day went was gone. Instead there was this happy bouncy child who was glad to see daddy home. She followed me down to the bedroom and jumped around and chatted with me as I changed into non-work clothes.
Katie wanted to wrestle with me this evening and I told her that I would after dinner. Katie actually let me sit in the LazyBoy and watch the news without complaining. When dinner and the news was done I was more than happy to wrestle and play with her. In fact I was happy to. When a child is as good as Katie was this evening you are happy to ablige.
Just before bedtime Katie and I pretended that we had a horse-drawn carriage in the living room (see photo to the right). We had two chair assembled side-to-side for the drivers. Isabelle was our horse. The little indoor tent we have was the carriage. As we pretended to drive to the ballroom dance Katie would say “stop” and go and get various other supplies that she thought we would need (i.e.: DVD’s, flashlights, etc.)
1) Katie was happy as a clam today after I held her down to put drops in her eyes.