Day #1859 (Thu., Feb. 5, 2015) – Mommy Loses Her Voice
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My wife applied for Katie to attend the Mandarin Program yesterday. In this program she will be learning Mandarin Chinese. It’s all up to a lottery but we hope she will be accepted. Knowing Mandarin Chinese is a good skill to have in the years ahead.
We got an email from Kasey this morning. She said: “I am feeling hesitant about spending the day with Katie today. I have seemed to catch something similar to your cold as well as a stomach bug that kept me up most the night. I’m not sure what to do and feel bad since it’s so last minute, but maybe either I could leave earlier if I need to or come later? I would hate for Katie to get sick too.”
We decided that my wife would take care of Katie and I would leave work as close to 5pm as possible.
My wife wanted me to pick up some supplies at the Dollar Store today. When I went out for lunch I got:
- Dishwashing gloves
- Steel dishwashing pads
- Ribbons
- Little toys for Valentines presents for Katie’s school
I also picked up Katie a Disney princess helium balloon (see photo to the right).
1) Katie.