Day #1861 (Sat., Feb. 7, 2015) – Robin The Freshly Cut
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The plan was for me to take Katie to her Chinese music class today, but since she has a bad cough that plan was off. I had a work call-in meeting at work so I’m not sure I could have made it any way.
My wife is starting to feel a bit better, but her voice is still not at full strength. She is still very tired during the day…to be expected when you are as far along as she is.
Katie gave Robin a haircut today. We’re not exactly sure what area was trimmed, but my wife spotted some fur on the floor. Loyal Robin will just lie there and let Katie cut his fur…
Katie was upset this afternoon that Helen could not come over to play. We don’t want anyone to get Katie’s bad cough. I stepped in and played with Katie to help fill the void. We played Legos and watched some more “Masked Magician Videos” on YouTube.
This evening we performed a couple more magic tricks for the audience (i.e.: mommy). Once again I would call my lovely assistant Katie out from behind the curtain (i.e.: hallway) to bring me my magic wand. Tonight we did (1) the vanishing playing cards and (2) the coin behind the ear.
Katie gets very tired these days since her coughing takes so much out of her. You can see our “early to bed” princess in the photo to the left. Accompanied by her loyal companion “Robin The Freshly Cut” of course.
1) Katie gave Robin a haircut today.