Day #1869 (Sun., Feb. 15, 2015) – Lego Princess Carriage
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I just wanted to show the dress that Katie made for her Barbie Doll (see photo to the right). A paper towel and a red bow will do the trick.
It is bitterly cold today. Good thing we have food in the fridge…there is no need to go anywhere. I have to stay home and do my 2014 taxes anyway…yuck!
While my wife was sleeping this afternoon I used the dinosaur drawing template to make some drawings for Katie that she could color in. She decided to use colored pencils for this particular project. Katie was a very good girl and didn’t bother me much at all…which was good as I had tax papers all over the place.
Katie and my wife cleaned up all the Lego pieces that were scattered around the house. As a result my wife gave her a “Lego Princess Carriage”. This particular kit is designed for ages 6-8 so it is quite the challenge for Katie.
1) Katie is busily putting together a Lego Princess Carriage.