Day #1870 (Mon., Feb. 16, 2015) – Daddy’s Birthday
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Daddy’s birthday is this morning. I got a lovely mug from my wife and daughter (see photo to the left).
Before we left for Duke this morning we called up the HVAC guy and told him that we didn’t have any heat. He said that he would come by this afternoon.
So we had another series of meetings with the ultrasound technician and doctor at Duke this morning. Everything is fine. We made a tentative appointment for a March 11th ultrasound but it will all depend on scheduling. We were glad to get out and get home around 1pm as there is a winter snow storm on the way.
Nikki dropped Katie off around 3pm today. She is taking Miley to the vet before the weather gets bad. Katie gave me this lovely birthday card that she made while Nikki was taking care of her.
It started to snow this evening. Of course Katie had to go out and play around in it. She insisted on putting on goggles as snow was getting in her eyes.
We never did hear back from the HVAC guy…even though he said that he would come to visit us this afternoon. With the heater not working and a child and a pregnant wife he had better have one humdinger of an excuse…
1) Katie and her mother gave me a lovely photo mug as a birthday present today.