Day #1883 (Sun., Mar. 1, 2015) – Video Baby Monitor
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One final thing for me to do in little Bobby’s room…installing the baby monitor that my wife got at her baby shower over at Genevieve’s house a few weeks ago. It’s a nice one…no longer just audio, this one has video as well. You can see the installed version on the top of the bookcase in little Bobby’s room in the photo to the right.
It rained a lot today…a good time to stay close to home. Alas I needed to go out and get groceries. Due to the bad weather this past week we are low on supplies. Oh well, out I went. I got Trader Joe’s version of Chicken McNuggets since those at McDonalds were such a winner with Katie yesterday.
While my wife had a nap this afternoon Katie and I watched “The Masked Magician” on YouTube. I showed her how to perform the “Coin Through The Table” trick. She was going to try this out on my wife when she got up from her nap but Katie was off on to other things by that point.
I picked up some Trade Joe’s cookie ice cream when I was out today. I thought it would be a big hit as Katie loves both cookies and ice cream. She did eat it…but didn’t like it as much as I thought she would. I guess she’s getting more and more finicky in her tastes.
1) I showed Katie how to perform the “Coin Through The Table” trick today.